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5 Senses Grounding Exercise

What we are going to try and do here is come out of the fight, flight, freeze response and come into the rest and digest response.

Today we are going to do this by using our senses.

Name 5 things that you can see in your immediate surroundings. And spend a short amount of time with each item and see if you can notice the details such as the colour or the shape and say that inside your head, or out aloud.

Next close your eyes and notice what you can hear. They could be inside wear you are right now, or perhaps outside. Could be other people, could be birds, could be air conditioning, just notice and say inside your head or out aloud what it is you can hear.

Now find 3 things that you can physically touch. This could be the chair that you are sitting on, this could be the clothes that you are wearing, this could be a desk or an item on the desk. When you touch them describe them in your mind or out aloud. Describe the texture is it hard or soft, is it smooth or rough, and anything else you notice.

Take another deep breath and as you do see if you can notice two smells. This might be something like coffee. This could be something like an air freshener. Just tune in and see if you can notice anything that has a smell.

And finally we are going to name 1 thing that we can taste. If you haven’t recently had a drink or something to eat then just notice your own saliva, that is absolutely fine.

And right now you might be feeling more present, you might be feeling a bit calmer.

Hopefully it has triggered the rest and digest system for you. If you still feel overwhelmed then try going round the cycle again.


© 2022 by Stuart J Randall.

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